Episode 3: Happiness Of Our Future Workforce
#HelloHappinessBlogSeries: Episode 3

Episode 3: Happiness Of Our Future Workforce

Article posted on 17 August, 2023

Author: Harsh Goenka

RPG’s brand promise is “Hello Happiness”. It is a promise that we make to ourselves and to each other every day.

Our people are our greatest strength and their happiness our biggest asset. As such it was only a natural progression that we would delve into the aspect of “Happiness” of our future workforce, the Gen-Z.

The decision to delve into this subject and do an in-depth research stemmed from a deep-rooted care for the well-being and success of this generation.

It was in my numerous meetings cutting through various age groups¸ that I began to observe a unique set of challenges and aspirations. This generation, born in the digital age and navigating a rapidly changing world, has showcased remarkable talent, innovation, and determination.

Yet, I couldnt help but notice a lack of fulfilment among some of our young employees. This realization sparked within me a strong need to understand the generation better, to know the underlying factors contributing to the happiness and overall satisfaction of Gen Z at work.

We embarked on an extensive research journey, engaging in discussions, conducting surveys, and analysing data across the length and breadth of the country. We wanted to uncover the key elements that foster a sense of well-being, purpose, and fulfilment for this generation.

What we discovered through this research was both enlightening and motivating, and at times, even overwhelming. We now know, what we thought we knew about this generation was only skimming the surface. This generation is one of a kind witnessing socio-political changes, the boom of technology and the onset of social media. We are glad we spent the time and the effort to find out.

Armed with a treasure trove of insights and findings, we are sharing this knowledge with everyone, so that collectively, the corporate world could take action. By doing so, not only we hope to create happier and more engaged employees, we will also unlock the full potential and innovative spirit of this generation.

This research paper is a call to action for leaders and HR professionals, to embrace the evolving expectations and desires of Gen Z, and create workplaces that inspire, motivate, and bring forth the best in our young talent.

Let us embark on this journey together, prioritizing the happiness and fulfilment of Gen Z, and shape a workplace culture that not only resonates with them but also lays the foundation for a prosperous and harmonious future.

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